Saturday, July 4, 2020

10 Tips to Ensure Employees Love the Workplace - Walrath Recruiting, Inc.

10 Tips to Ensure Employees Love the Workplace - Walrath Recruiting, Inc. Ensuring that employees enjoy the workplace, colleagues and their overall position, should be a top priority for any business. If employees love their work, their performance will reflect that. Whether youre an employer, manager, or even an employee â€" knowing what helps employees love their job and their work is critical. Here are ten tips. 1. Focus on a Strong First Impression When potential candidates go through the interview process and leave feeling misunderstood, mislead or even unsure about what their job responsibilities would be, it can affect them immediately on day one. Not only will they feel disorganized and misguided, but they may feel frustrated and overwhelmed with little direction. A clear list of expectations should be discussed, so both parties leave feeling understood and the employee can properly perform their job duties confidently. 2. Consider the Proper Position A position should complement an employee’s skills, personality, and characteristics. However, if the position fails to do so, the job performance and job satisfaction of that employee can decrease. For example, if an introvert is asked to make cold calls daily, chances are theyre going to become burned out faster and thus affecting their job satisfaction. Many companies utilize personality tests to determine personality, preferences, and capabilities to determine what position would suit employees best to avoid this. Employers typically provide prospects with these tests, but you can also find a few, here. 3. Ensure the Right Compensation Another crucial piece of employee satisfaction in the workplace is being paid properly. To keep quality employees happy, and feeling appreciated; their salary should reflect not only what that type of position would pay, but also their experience, and skillset level as well. Saving money in this department may only lead to turnover, and decreased satisfaction over time. Other ways to ensure that employees are properly paid is to focus on including/providing competitive benefits, PTO, hour flexibility, education reimbursement, etc. 4. Make the Most of It It’s not common for employees to stick around with one company for an extensive amount of time anymore, and it doesn’t reflect the value of that employee, or that they don’t enjoy their job. If an employee is looking for larger opportunities, more growth, a change in career and they need to find that elsewhere, great! From a company’s standpoint, an employer should make the most of their experience while they’re there. Not only allowing the employee to learn and grow in their position but to learn and grow from that employee. 5. Keep the Purpose in Mind If employees are coming to work daily having little purpose or goals, it can leave them feeling uninterested and disengaged. Providing an overall goal within the company will allow employees to progress and stay motivated, giving their day more purpose and an increased sense of job satisfaction. 6. Concentrate on Recognition People appreciate personal recognition, especially in the workplace. A little praise can go a long way. However, receiving praise in front of colleagues is even better. Doing so not only can build confidence, but also improve performance and often, an employees commitment. When employees feel that their efforts are being appreciated and acknowledged, they’re more likely to work with intention, purpose, and efficiency. 7. Provide Feedback Employees appreciate receiving feedback. Knowing if the tasks they are completing have been done properly, efficiently, as well as knowing what can be fixed, and what can be done differently next time makes all the difference. “If you don’t give people a chance to fail, you won’t innovate. If you want to be an innovative company, allow people to make mistakes”. Indra Nooyi. When your employees do make mistakes (which will happen) allow them to do so in a safe, non-hypercritical environment. Providing feedbacks gives employees confidence when they’ve succeeded, and constructive feedback allows them to learn and make progress. 8. Invite Feedback During reviews, it’s important for employers to ask for feedback from their employees as well. Being asked what they enjoy from upper management/leadership, and if they have any suggestions, will help them feel that the company cares to improve, as well as cares about the opinions of their employees. 9. Promote an Enjoyable Workplace The workplace doesn’t have to be serious all the time. Of course, you want your employees to concentrate their attention on their work, but there are ways to incorporate fun during the workday. For example, a work luncheon, a company dinner outside of work, or a holiday game day like office Olympics to encourage your staff that if they work hard, they can play hard too. Even something as small as celebrating birthdays with small gestures. Doing so will allow employees to see that they deserve the downtime, too. 10. Provide the Opportunity for Growth How do we keep the workplace exciting? Challenge. Employees need to feel challenged in their role. Whether it be taking on more responsibilities, a promotion, or taking on more challenging projects within their role â€" progress leads to satisfaction.  This will allow them to feel empowered and trusted and will give them a chance to learn new things. What helps you love where you work? LATEST READS FROM WALRATH RECRUITING: Link Roundup: Best Apps, Blogs, and Resources for Job Seekers Different Employment Types And Their Purpose Link Roundup: How to Determine Company Culture in a New Job

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