Monday, May 11, 2020

Put Plan B into Action

Put Plan B into Action Its been months since you lost your job and you are frustrated. Maybe it is time to put Plan B into action. Having a job, any job, usually makes you feel better than facing all the rejection or indifference. Having a job gives you something to do. It provides income. It gives you a sense of worth and value. So how do you chose what your Plan B job will be? First, you will need to sit down in a quiet place and brainstorm all the things you love, LOVE, to do. Do not filter out things that might seem unrealistic, silly, or I cant make money doing this. If this is difficult, it should be. Keep going. Think of the things you enjoyed doing as a kid. Think about your favorite job ever. What was your dream growing up? Once youve brainstormed, enlist the help of a true friend. Someone who you trust. Someone who will not shut your ideas down (A spouse might not be the best person to use at this time in the process, unless your spouse is very open minded and incredibly supportive.) Ask this friend to help you identify ways you could get a job in these areas. Ask them to help you think of related opportunities. Ask them if they know anyone in these areas. Also ask if they know anyone who owns a business. Any business. Ask if you can talk to that person about getting some help. Securing a Plan B job can take as much time as a real job. Start today trying to line one up. Dont send a resume or fill out an application. Call on the phone or stop by in person. Explain why you want to work there. It may sound something like: Ieat atyour restaurant pretty regularlyand really enjoy the people who work here and the customers who come here. I love your food and know that I could do a great job representing you.Theres a little extra time inmyday and I would like to be doing something worthwhile and make a little money.Is their a shift you might need some help with? Dont give up. If they dont seem interested now, they may be later. Move on, check in with another place that does something similar. Always convince them that you are interested in working specifically for THEM. Flatter their large but fragile egos. Here are some regional Plan Bopportunities that are gearing up right now: Landscaping (mowing, raking, yard maintenance) Golf coursesare gearing up their hiring Restaurants Garden centers Parks and recreation programs Summer youth programs/camps need help House painting and outdoor maintenance Here are some other Plan Boptions that are usually hiring: Call center work (customer service, fund raising) Office cleaning companies Hotel/motelpositions Employers in these organizations want to hire someone who is reliable and will do the work and will stay longer than a couple ofweeks. Convince them you have what it takesto do this. I know these dont sound likedream jobs. You might even be angry at me for suggesting these things. Good. Come up with some other creative solutions andlet me know. Ill post them here!

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